
" Welcome to the florafaunauk site , hope you enjoy the pictures and posts giving a detailed insight into the Natural History of our Country throughout the seasons and year "All that the Sun Shines on is beautiful, so long as it is Wild" John Muir "

Thursday, 29 August 2013

In a Rush...The Flowering Rush Butomus umbellatus

The Flowering Rush Butomus umbellatus 

Flowering Rush 22095

National Distribution Please Allow Time to Load .

VC 63 Distribution  Please Allow Time to Load

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Jump to it !! Leafhopper Anoscopus flavostriatus

Today some finds included

Leafhopper Anoscopus flavostriatus Family Cicadellidae

Anoscopus flavostriatus 22136

Also reported some good news on the Spiked Shieldbug  Picromerus bidens status.

Whilst we have not seen the return of the Spiked SB colony along the River Path after its planing some 4-5 years ago , a specimen has been found today on scrub Rosehip close to the ground , and in proximity to a Green Shieldbug Colony

Spiked Shieldbug 22147

National Distribution Please Allow Time to Load .

VC 63 Distribution  Please Allow Time to Load

Monday, 12 August 2013

National Moth Night Friday 9th August 2013

Here are a few images from National Moth Night Friday 9th August 2013 weather Fine and Warm .

         2300 Old Lady Mormo maura         

2300 Old lady 21664

2318 The Dun-bar Cosmia trapezina

2318 The Dun-bar  21601

1913 Canary-shouldered Thorn Ennomos alniaria

1913 Canary-shouldered Thorn 21566

1887 Clouded Border Lomaspilis marginata

1887 Clouded Border 21589

2313 Angle-striped Sallow Enargia paleace

2313 Angle-striped Sallow  21649

1546    Brimstone  Gonepteryx rhamni

Brimstone Moth 10330

1917 Early Thorn Selenia dentaria

Early Thorn 21614

2003 Pebble Prominent Notodonta ziczac

2003 Pebble Prominent 21629

1439 Acrobasis advenella 

Moth 1585

Phytocoris varipes   Heteropteran Bug  Found on the Sheet

Phytocoris varipes  21653